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Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009

cara mudah install corel draw x3


Cari file setup.exe atau setu.msi kalu double clik dan tampilan setelahnya adalah sebagai berikut, klik continue

Setelah langkah di atas berikutnya anda di minta untuk memasukkan serial number, nah sekarang buka file keygen.exe

Copy serial number yang di tunjukan oleh keygen, dan masukkan ke kolom yang di sediakan di bawah “ Enter your serial number …” , lalu klik tombol Continue , jika tombol tersebut belum aktif maka hapuslah satu karakter dari serial number yang talah dimasukkan tadi lalu ketikkan kembali karakter yang di hapus tadi, maka tombol pun akan aktif, lalu klik.


Langkah selanjutnya mudah saja , berikan tanda centang padabagian yang disediakan, lalu klik next.

Isikan user name dan organization…isikan sesuka anda. Lalu klik next.

Berikan centang pda menu yang disediakan, jika hardisk memadai di anjurak untuk menginstall semua aplikasi, jika punya harddisk pas-pasan cukup centang pada menu CorelDraw X3 saja sudah cukup. Lalu klik install

Di atas adalah proses instalasi dari CorelDraw x3, anda hanya menunggu proses tersebut selesai hingga diminta untuk meng klik tombol finish.

Sampai disini proses instalasi sudah selesai. Kita lanjutkan dengan proses pemasukkan crack.

Pemasukan crack

Setealh install CorelDraw x3 selesai tingga jalankan aplikasi tersebut, pasti sudah tau caranya kan?

Setelah aplikasi jalan maka anda akan di asjikan menu Nag Screen ( menu ayang meminta untuk memasukkan serial number kembali untuk melakukan aktivasi. Utnuk melakukan aktivasi langsung saja anda klik tombol activate now .

Terlihat bahwa pada tambilan tersebut terdapat Instalation code Key dan Activation code…pada installation code dan key sudah terisi secara default nah untuk activation code bs didapat dengan cara memasukkan karakter – karakter pada installation code ke kolom installation code yang ada pada aplikasi keygen, untuk jelasnya perhatikan du gambar di bawah ini :

Setelah semua karakter installation code di masukkan anda cukup mengklik tombol Aktivate untuk mendapatkan activation code, sperti di bawah ini .

Copykan activation code pada kolom activation code yang ada pada nag screen CorelDraw X3, klik continue jika tombol continue sudah aktif, jika belum, lakukan penghapusan satu karakter lalu ketikkan kemabali karakter yang telah dihapus.

Setelah proses diatas, proses aktivasi CorelDraw sudah selesai dilakukan selanjutnya anda tinggal lakukan save file aktivasi atau lanjutkan dengan mengklik continue dan klik finish

Setelah mengklik finish berari CorelDraw Anda sudah dan dapat di gunakan selama anda suka.

cara install coreldraw X4
juga hampir sama dengan yang diatas!!

Senin, 26 Oktober 2009

Stop Smoking with Brainpower Print E-mail

MAY everyone knows that smoking is hazardous to health. Smoking also can be a gateway to drugs. A smoker can more easily accept the drug compared with nonsmokers.

However, until now the number of smokers is not decreased. From several surveys, starting smoking age children and adolescents. Maybe because it was a smokers find it difficult to stop smoking, because so many years doing the bad habits. Cigarettes have become part of his life, and she felt the pleasure of smoking.

Many people have tried to quit smoking. There is a vow that had stopped, there was a sucking candy to replace cigarettes. There are also people who do a lot of activities to forget about smoking.

From several studies always found that 70-80 percent of smokers have a desire to stop smoking. There are already three to four times tried, but have not succeeded as well.

According to dr Aisah Dahlan, head of Unit Selapa Hospitals Lemdiklat Police, smoking is very hard to break because tobacco contains nicotine that is addictive (addictive) to the body. Although contained addictive cigarettes weighing not addictive in narcotics and dangerous drugs (drugs), smoking addictive substances is very difficult to be released.

"There are several reasons why smoking habits die hard.

First, smoking is legal. Smokers was not breaking rules by smoking. They can smoke anywhere without fear of being arrested. This is different from the drug, where to hide pecandunya to enjoy the drug, "said Aisah.

Secondly, cigarettes can be purchased easily anywhere. Even in the shop or even hospital cafeterias can be bought cigarettes. Cigarette prices are also quite affordable.

Third, smokers saw smoking not only himself, but a lot of people. They feel guilty because many people do the same thing.

"In addition, cigarette addiction can be delayed. That is, although the mouth was sour, headache, or signs of addiction appeared, a smoker could still delay the desire to smoke if a place or time does not allow for smoking. Unlike drugs, where body's need for drugs can not be postponed. The level of a mild addiction makes people underestimated the dangers of tobacco addiction, "explained the doctor who actively provide counseling and education about these drugs.

Aisah admit it is difficult to stop smoking. However, smoking can be stopped if the smoker has the self motivation to quit smoking.

"There are easy ways to quit smoking, by relying on brain power. Or in other words, rearranging the subconscious mind. The way is very simple. First, we say to ourselves that we are giving up smoking and we live a healthy life. This can be referred to as self-affirmation or intention, "said Aisah.

The sentence is said to myself must contain 3P, that is personal, present tense, and positive. That is, the sentence must use my words (personal), by using the structure of the current time (present tense). So, those who want to quit smoking is not using the words like or be. They also have to use positive words (positive), not with words or do not. For example, I live a healthy life.

"Subconscious mind is more positively received this sentence than the sentence that uses negative words like? I do not want to smoke again?," He explained.

After that, imagine that the intention is not in words, but in the event. "Do not imagine writing? Me quit smoking?. But, imagine the scene that I've quit smoking and live healthier because I do not smoke anymore. Imagine what you get with a healthy life without cigarettes," he added.

The process of affirmations and thought this must be done five times a day and at least 21 days. "However, before doing so, our body and mind should be in a state of comfortable and quiet.'s Brain waves are in alpha waves, in which the brain to feel relaxed and relaxed," explained Aisah.

How to quit smoking by relying on the strength of this brain-right brain as well trained and well-balanced left-brain work. The process of affirmation and imagine run both brain function. Left-brain functions to include analysis and language functions are combined with creativity and imagination of the right brain.

"By combining both functions of the brain, the message delivered to us 10 to 60 times faster up," he said.

Aisah sure brain power helps smokers who want to quit smoking. In fact, this method can also be practiced on the desires of others. Even if he does not succeed in stopping the habit, perhaps because his efforts are not strong enough, at least he'll smoke politely. For example, not smoking in public places or close to other people who do not smoke.

"Remember, all cigarettes and smoking dangerous drugs to people around him who are not smoking or not smoking drugs. Risks they faced as much as smokers or drug addicts," he asserted.



Perform analysis of smoking habits that has been done so far. For example:

     * When the time you linked to smoking
     * When do you automatically want to smoke

The results of this analysis will assist in braking the desire to smoke.

  Sort Code Reason

Do all the things that make you not resumed smoking. Always remember the reasons that underlie you to not smoke. If you need to list the reasons.

     * Avoiding cancer, heart failure, gastrointestinal disorders
     * Social life better
     * Remember the health and interests of the child / family
     * Eat better
Jump Stop

Pick a day where you will stop. And on that day, immediately stop completely without doing the stages. Announce your plan to people close to you so that they can help.

  Beware The Early Days

The early days will feel very heavy. Try to distract him eat candy or sugarless gum. Temporarily reduce the activity related to smoking, such as going to the bar.

 Enjoy Life

Money that should be used to purchase cigarettes could be used to buy gifts for themselves, such as buying books, buying tapes, movies, and other fun stuff.

 Low Calorie Consumption

During the first weeks (up to approximately four weeks), eat foods low in calories. Also drink plenty of water.

Jumat, 23 Oktober 2009


Proud and happy. Perhaps the perceived ITU Suparno, 75, and his wife, Siti salami, 62. Retired surgeon Pandan Arang Boyolali hospitals are already getting what he aspired to. IN old age, Suparno was still alive and healthy. To fill his old age, almost every day spent in the garden area of 2 haktare. In his garden, he could cultivate the land fertile practically. It looks different types of plants can flourish in the garden Suparno. When> RADAR SOLO Well, in the rainy season now, his face looks sumringah Suparno. Because, nine trees bear fruit all duriannya. Duriannya tree ages vary. There are already 40 years old and there is also a new 6 years and 7 years. Although there is still a relatively young tree age, this time there durian trees to bear all. "Look at that, Mas, a new tree 6-year-old was fruitful," said residents Singosari RT 05 RW 02, Mojosongo, Boyolali, this durian tree pointing meant. Indeed this year be a blessing for Suparno. The reason is, every young durian trees to bear at least 100 seeds. The age of the tree has tens of years, a tree can produce 500 seeds durian. Every time the harvest, Suparno able to make money at least Rp 15 million. He was not hard to sell duriannya. He said, every time the big traders of durian harvest from the city would come to buy. Thus, each harvest he only saw net sales results. Duriannya fruit sales results, simply enjoyed alone with his wife. Because, after her children - which amounted to 5 people - already> mentas (settle down), all residing outside the region. "First, durian harvest is to finance school and college our children to become people. Now no, Mas. All our children are married and have a steady job. So the results of this durian farm we enjoy themselves with his beloved wife, hehehe, "said Suparno beamed. His son is a teacher, doctor and staff their own state. This is what makes him and his wife to be happy and live to enjoy old age while watching his children and grandchildren of kejahuan. "Yes, my wife and I feel proud of what we've accomplished so far," said the retired civil servants Suparno and wife feel happy and proud not only because their children have settled hidupnya.Namun, there are other things that make he and his wife itu.Apa squeeze more from it. Sir? "Despite his old age, I still trusted the government to contract workers in hospitals Pandan Arang about 6 years old," said Siti's husband's salami. (right)

Kamis, 22 Oktober 2009


Javanese culture is one of the old culture figure. Javanese culture rooted in Central Java culture originated from ancestors who settled on the banks of the Solo River thousands of years before Christ. Human fossils of ancient Javanese who now inhabit the Sangiran Museum in Sragen Regency, is a witness of history, how old the earth of Central Java as a residential area which in itself is a cultural region. From the ancient cultures that then grow and develop classical Javanese culture figure who until now continues to move toward the culture of Indonesia.
The word is derived from classical Clacius words, the names of people who have succeeded in creating literary works that have "high value". So high literary value Clacius work was called "Clacici". And Clacici is nobility / aristocracy, while Clacius including nobility, therefore, works of art that have a high value is called "classical art".
Bengawan Solo is not only famous for its song creation will Gesang, but more than that valley known as the place where so many fossils and relics discovered early history of life on this earth.
In 1891 Eugene Dubois found the remains of early humans who were given the name "Phitecanthropus Erectus" in the Sandpipers, Ngawi residency of Madiun. It turned out that the fossils of more ancient (older) and more primitive than the Neanderthal fossils found in Europe before. Excavations continued until around the year 1930-1931 was found for human fossils in the Ngandong and Kedungbrubus Sangiran area. This fossil is older than that found in Germany and in Peking. In contrast to findings in other parts of the world, the discovery of fossils found in Java Pleistoceen at all levels and not only on one layer only. Until it is clear human development since the form of 'keorangan'nya early (homonide), are from other parts of the world's discoveries were not given such a complete picture. It is expected by early humans lived in small groups, possibly even families consisting of six shingga twelve individuals. They hunt animals living along the river valleys. How to live like this seems to keep going for a million years. Then discovered the remains of artifacts consisting of tools of stone axes at a site near the village of Pacitan, in a layer of earth which is estimated based on geological data and the year was 800.00 associated with Pithecanthropus fossils that have evolved further. Thus, it is estimated that since at least 800,000 years ago the hunters on the island of Java already has a culture.
Human and culture is a very tight unit. Both of them can not be separated. There is no human culture, there will be no culture in the absence of his supporters, namely humans. However, human life is not how long, he then died. So to establish a culture, supporters have more than one person, even have more than one derivative. So must be forwarded to the next descendant offspring.
Classical Javanese culture that greatness is recognized by the international community can be seen in a number of historical heritage in the form of temples, stupas, language, literature, arts and customs. Borobudur temple near Magelang, Mendut, Pawon temple, near Prambanan Klaten, Dieng temple, temples and temple Sukuh Gedongsongo a cultural heritage of the past which is priceless. Literary texts carved on stone inscriptions, etched on palm leaves, and written in the books is a treasury of classical Javanese literature that has so far not exhausted the scientists studied. There is also the cultural heritage of high quality in the form of dance, music, art, art of puppetry, the art of building (architecture), art clothing, customs, etc..
Central Java community as an heir of classical Javanese culture is not a homogeneous community or colored, but a great community that blooms in cultural diversity. This was reflected in the growth areas of culture which essentially consists of Negarigung cultural areas, cultural areas and regions Banyumasan Pesisiran culture.
Cultural region that includes Negarigung Surakarta - Yogyakarta and its surroundings is an area with bergayutan cultural tradisikraton (Surakarta and Yogyakarta). Banyumasan culture region to reach the Banyumas, Kedu and Bagelen. While cultural area includes pesisiran North Coast area of Central Java which extends from East to West.
Cultural diversity is a basic condition favorable for the flowering of creativity copyright, race and initiative embodied in cultural attitudes.
In the area of Central Java, all kinds of art grow and develop well, and this can we see the relics of the present.
Central Java Province which is one of the ten DTW (Tourism Destination Region) in Indonesia can be easily accessible from all directions, whether land, sea or air. This province has passed a long history, from ancient times until now.
In an effort to introduce the Central Java region is rich in cultural and natural potential, Central Java Province, as other provinces in Indonesia, a regional pavilion at Taman Mini "Indonesia Indah" is also called "Bridge of Central Java. Pavilion Central Java Taman Mini "Indonesia Indah" is a "show window" of the Central Java region.
Java Pavilion at Taman Mini "Indonesia Indah" was built to bring the face of culture and development in Central Java in general. The main building and other buildings around him as a whole is a housing complex called "Padepokan Central Java", the original Java architecture.
Building parent form "Pendopo Great", a clone of the Grand Palace Pendopo Mangkunegaran in Surakarta, which is recognized as one of the cultural center of Java. Central Java Province, also known as "The Island of Temples", because it is in Central Java scattered temples. Miniature of Borobudur temple, Prambanan and displayed Mendut Padepokan also in Central Java. Hermitage Central Java is also a place to get to know the art of building Java-building not only homes but also the art of the era heritage buildings Sanjayawangça and Syailendrawangça.
Great hall of the form "Joglo Trajumas" graceful impression that because the roof sustained extensive with 4 (four) Soko teacher (principal pillars), 12 (twelve) Soko Goco and 20 (twenty) Rowo Soko. All are made memorable appearances momot building, means capable of accommodating all respects, in accordance with its function as a place to receive guests. Great Pendopo building is still associated with Pringgitan space, originally as a venue ringgit or wayang kulit. This Pringgitan Pyramid architecture. Other buildings are the kinds of traditional houses "Feature Joglo kurat", "musicians Joglo clamp" and the house patterned "Doro Gepak".
In accordance with the functions of Central Java Pavilion kesenia always shew-arts areas are still imported from the districts / municipalities in Central Java province in addition to performance art from workshops in the Capital, by not leaving keadiluhungan values of Javanese culture until now still looking coloring various aspects of arts and culture itself, the customs and procedures of Central Java community life.
Building Joglo clamp musicians in Central Java TMII Pavilion is located adjacent to an open stage a background of a hill with a building made of Makara black rock bearing the words "Ojo Dumeh" in letters large Java. Ojo Dumeh words have deep meaning, because it means, "No Pride", an exhortation to always be able to control himself, even when a person feels a success. At this stage, visitors can watch performances special events pavilion which is usually the choice of events.


kebudayaan Indonesia

Indonesian culture can be defined as all local cultures that have existed before the national form Indonesia in 1945. All the local culture from diverse cultural ethnic groups in Indonesia is an integral part of Indonesian culture.

Indonesian culture though varied, but basically formed and influenced by other great cultures such as Tionghoa culture, Indian culture and Arab culture. Indian culture, especially in the spread of Hinduism and Buddhism in the archipelago long before Indonesia was formed. Kingdoms bernafaskan Hindus and Buddhists had dominated the archipelago in the 5th century AD marked the founding of the oldest kingdoms in the archipelago, Kutai, until the end of the 15th century AD.

Tionghoa culture and influenced the culture in Indonesia because of the intensive commercial interaction between traders Tionghoa and Nusantara (Sriwijaya). In addition, many nomads who entered with Sino-nomads coming from the southern regions of China and settled in the archipelago. They settled and married local residents to produce a combination of local culture and Tionghoa unique. It is this culture which later became one of the roots of modern local culture than in Indonesia such as Java and the Betawi culture.

Arab culture in common with the spreading of Islam by Arab traders who stopped at the archipelago on their way to China.

The arrival of European explorers since the 16th century to the archipelago, and the colonization that took place next, with various forms of Western cultures and forms of modern Indonesian culture as can be found now. Technological, organizational and political systems, social systems, various cultural elements such as food, clothing, economy, and so on, many adopted the Western culture gradually integrated in society

     * Ampar-Ampar Banana (South Kalimantan)
     * The Goat I (Nusa Tenggara Timur)
     * Wind Mamiri (South Sulawesi)
     * Anju Ahu (North Sumatra)
     * Apuse (Papua)
     * Ayam Den Lapeh (West Sumatra)
     * Barek Solok (West Sumatra)
     * Batanghari (Jambi)
     * Bolelebo (Nusa Tenggara Barat)
     * Bubuy Month (West Java)
     * Open Door (Maluku)
     * Bungo Bangso (North Sumatra)
     * Bungong Jeumpa (Aceh)
     * Bird Tantina (Maluku)
     * Kumi (North Sumatra)
     * Cik-Cik pots (West Kalimantan)
     * Cikala Le Pongpong (North Sumatra)
     * Cing Cangkeling (West Java)
     * Madame Cuk Ilang (South Sumatra)
     * Dago Host Sarge (North Sumatra)
     * Paddle Palinggam (West Sumatra)
     * Paddle boat (Banten)
     * Dek Sangke (South Sumatra)
     * Desaku (Nusa Tenggara Timur)
     * Esa Mokan (North Sulawesi)
     * Es Lilin (West Java)
     * Gambang Flute (Central Java)
     * Gek Kepriye (Central Java)
     * Goro-Gorone (Maluku)
     * Gending Sriwijaya (South Sumatra)
     * Bald Pacul (Central Java)
     * Ala De Helele U Teang (Nusa Tenggara Barat)
     * Huhatee (Maluku)
     * Ilir-Ilir (Central Java)
     * Goon-Goon (East Kalimantan)
     * Injit-Injit Ants (Jambi)
     * Jali-Jali (Jakarta)
     * Moldy (Central Java)
     * Kabile-Bile (South Sumatra)
     * Kalayar (Central Kalimantan)
     * Kambanglah Bungo (West Sumatra)
     * Deep In Kampuang Nan Mato (West Sumatra)
     * Ka interspace Tingga (West Sumatra)
     * Karatagan Heroes (West Java)
     * Keraban Sape (East Java)
     * Keroncong Kemayoran (Jakarta)
     * Kicir-Kicir (Jakarta)
     * Choles-choles (Maluku)
     * Lalan Belek (Bengkulu)
     * Valley Pallet (Aceh)
     * Lisoi (North Sumatra)
     * Madekdek Magambiri (North Sumatra)
     * Night Baiko (West Sumatra)
     * Mande-Mande (Maluku)
     * Manuk Dadali (West Java)
     * Ma Rencong (South Sulawesi)
     * Mejangeran (Bali)
     * Mariam Tomong (North Sumatra)
     * Moree (Nusa Tenggara Barat)
     * Nasonang Dohita Nadua (North Sumatra)
     * O Ina Ni Keke (North Sulawesi)
     * Ole Sioh (Maluku)
     * Orlen-Orlen (Nusa Tenggara Barat)
     * O Ulate (Maluku)
     * Pai Mura Rame (Nusa Tenggara Barat)
     * Pakarena (South Sulawesi)
     * Panon Hideung (West Java)
     * Paris Barantai (South Kalimantan)
     * Maps Tawa-Tawa (Southeast Sulawesi)
     * Peuyeum Bandung (West Java)
     * Pileuleuyan (West Java)
     * Pinang Muda (Jambi)
     * Piso Surit (Aceh)
     * Pitik Tukung (Yogyakarta)
     * Cut Duck Goose (Nusa Tenggara Timur)
     * Rambadia (North Sumatra)
     * Rang Talu (West Sumatra)
     * Rasa Sayang-Sayange (Maluku)
     * Queen Anom (Bali)
     * Handkerchief Bapuncu Ampat (South Kalimantan)
     * Sarinande (Maluku)
     * Shawl Mayang (Jambi)
     * Sengko-Sengko (North Sumatra)
     * Siboga Tacinto (North Sumatra)
     * Sinanggar Tulo (North Sumatra)
     * Sing Sing So (North Sumatra)
     * Sinom (Yogyakarta)
     * The Patokaan (North Sulawesi)
     * Sitara Tillo (North Sulawesi)
     * Soleram (Riau)
     * Surilang (Jakarta)
     * Earliest Ora Jamu (Yogyakarta)
     * Horn Majeng (East Java)
     * Tanase (Maluku)
     * Tapian Nauli (North Sumatra)
     * Dance Tanggai (South Sumatra)
     * Tebe Onana (Nusa Tenggara Barat)
     * Te Kate arrows (Yogyakarta)
     * Tokecang (West Java)
     * Tondok Kadadingku (Central Sulawesi)
     * Tope Gugu (Central Sulawesi)
     * Tumpi Wayu (Central Kalimantan)
     * Tutu Koda (Nusa Tenggara Barat)
     * Terang Bulan (Jakarta)
     * Yamko Rambe Yamko (Papua)
     * Mr. Pucung (Central Java)
     * Yen Ing Tawang Ono Lintang (Central Java)
     * Station Racing, Didi Kempot (Central Java)
     * Anging Mamiri, Parasanganta Sulawesi (Sulawesi Selatan)
     * Feather londong, malluya, io-io, ma'pararuk (West Sulawesi)

Senin, 19 Oktober 2009


perkembangan musik keroncong dewasa ini mengalami perkembangan yang sulit,karena dikalahkan oleh perkembangan musik modern.namun ada sekelompok anak muda dari desa pinggiran kota sragen yang masih menggeluti dan menjadikan musik keroncong sebagai musik pilihan.
SEKAR JATI yah...itulah nama kelompok orkes keroncong ini, walaupun sepi dari job, kelompok ini tetap rajin berlatih, digawangi oleh semua anggota dan di dukung oleh anak - anak muda di desa setempat.Mereka berharap agar kesenian ini tetap jaya seperti semboyan yang dibuat oleh HAMKRI surakarta.
Base camp kelompok ini berada di desa jatitengah, kec. sukodono,kab. sragen jawa tengah kira- kira 10 km dari jantung kota Sragen. dikota sragen sendiri ada beberapa kelompok orkes keroncong seperti dikota sragen ada satu grup keroncong Serambi sukowati, kemudian di kec. Gondang juga ada.
Keberadaan musik keroncong dewasa ini memang bisa dibilang mati segan hidup tak mau,padahal jikalau dirasakan dan diresapi amboiiiii.....musik keroncong sangatlah nikmat.
namun masih jarang anak muda bahkan hampir tidak ada yang melirik musik keroncong.

alat-alat musik keroncong
1. contra bass
2.cello petik
3. cak/ukulele bersenar 3
4. cuk
5. biola
6. Flute
ada beberapa grup musik keroncong memasukan instrumen saxophone atau yang lainya.

banyak sekali lagu yang kemudian di aransemen menjadi keroncong, baik Pop, Rock atau apapun. pada Orkes Keroncong Sekar Jati Contra Bass dipegang Oleh Ady, Cello Oleh Guntoro, Cuk oleh Danang, kemudian Biola oleh Aton dan Flute oleh Yoga dan Cak saya sendiri yang memegang, Kemudian Vokalis dipercayakan kepada Bp. Darmadi dari Kodim Sragen dan Mas Theo . masing-masing personil mempunyai konsekvesi sendiri-sendiri dalam arti apabila ada lagu baru yang harus di garap masing- masing personil harus mencari chord sendiri-sendiri dirumah sebelum berlatih, ketika kita siap berlatih maka tinggal pematangan saja.
banyak suka dan duka yang kami alami sejak musik ini berdiri terkadang apabila kita sedang manggung ada request dari tamu yang kita sama sekali nggak kenal kita cuma saling pandang saja walaupun akhirnya sukses juga, karena memang masing-masing personil sudah peka terhadap chord keroncong. Selain kami berlatih sendiri di Markas sering juga kami ikut latihan kepada Senior kami yang berada di Sragen Kota. Banyak sekali pelajaran yang kami petik dari sana baik, aransemen chord lagu , perbendaharaan lagu dan bagaimana memelihara suatu grup agar bisa bertahan walaupun terseok. Sampai saat ini kami terus berlatih tanpa jemu walaupun tanpa ada job, Untuk musik keroncong sebulan 2 atau 3 kali manggung udah jempoll. berbeda dengan campur sari pada musim hajatan bisa tanpa libur, Namun kami tetap pada jalur kami sampai saat ini. Kami menyukai semua jenis musik karena tanpa dipungkiri semua personil pernah merasakan hidup sebagai pencampursari, walaupun akhirnya bubar. maka marilah kita mulai berusaha mneyukai musik kroncong ini supaya keroncong tetap jaya.

Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2009

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ikuti langkah ini:
arahkan pembacaan pertam ke cd room melalui bios
kemudian,simpan menggunakan f10.restart komputer
muncul a:> ketikan fdisk
dan seterusnya